Visual Art Review: ‘Now Is the Time to Say Nothing’ at Mayfest – a plea for human empathy amidst Syrian conflict Author Scott Hammond Date May 12, 2018 11th May 2018 A collaboration between director Caroline Williams, Syrian artist/filmmaker Reem Karssli...
Visual Art Best of Bristol 2015: Art Author Kevin McGough Date December 29, 2015 We run down the best Art projects and exhibitions from the last 12-months, and choose...
Photography Gallery: Bristol Zombie Walk 2015 Author Scott Hammond Date November 1, 2015 31st October 2015 Beginning back in 2006, Bristol’s zombie walk tradition has now reached...
Photography, Public Talk, Visual Art Glastonbury – Save This Mural: Time to cater for a new kind of tourist Author Arran Date October 25, 2015 25th October 2015 Look at the mural pictured above. Now look at those red...
Public Talk Review: Stewart Lansley & Joanna Mack discuss inequality and poverty in ‘Breadline Britain’ Author Kevin McGough Date October 20, 2015 20th October 2015 As the sword of Damocles hangs over the heads of the...
Public Talk Salman Rushdie takes us on a fantastical journey as he promotes his latest novel ‘Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights’ Author Kevin McGough Date October 12, 2015 11th October 2015 Author Salman Rushdie, 68, has penned esteemed works like The Satanic...
Photography Photography: Bristol Ballerina project captures fleeting moments and movements Author Conal Dougan Date September 26, 2015 26th September 2015 The Bristol Ballerina is an ongoing project being carried out by...
Visual Art Book Review: Bojana Kunst’s Artist At Work examines the proximity of art and capitalism Author Conal Dougan Date August 18, 2015 18th August 2015 Bojana Kunst is a Slovenian philosopher, dance and theatre theoretician and...