Comedy Review: Stewart Lee headlines a strong opening night at Bristol Comedy Garden Author Scott Hammond Date July 1, 2016 28th June 2016(Photo by Colin Hutton)The mighty Bristol Comedy Garden is back and newly...
Comedy Bristol Comedy Garden returns with a stellar line-up Author Conal Dougan Date April 25, 2016 25th April 2016Following its previous success, this summer will see Bristol Comedy Garden return...
Comedy Review: Bristol Comedy Garden opens up with a hilarious heavyweight punch to the gut Author Kevin McGough Date July 9, 2015 8th July 2015Returning for the fourth time since 2011, Bristol Comedy Garden once again is...
Comedy Bristol Comedy Garden: the UK’s best comedians are coming to the city Author Conal Dougan Date May 15, 2015 15th May 2015This summer, Bristol Comedy Garden is returning to Bristol with another incredible line-up...