Artist of the Week: Psychemagik


It may be September, and the long, hazy days of Summer behind us, but considering the sunshine we are set to be bathed in for the rest of the week, our Artist of the Week is UK DJ duo Psychemagik. Prolific in their remixes and with a bounteous record collection, Psychemagik’s predominant sound is perfect for bleaching your hair in the last drops of sunshine, G&T in one hand and the tight body of a member of the opposite sex in the other.

Psychemagik are most famous for their reworking of Fleetwood Mac‘s “Dreams”, a gorgeous unfolding that makes you wonder how Stevie Nicks and Co could ever have restricted the original track to under 5 minutes. However, 2013’s sampler ‘Diabolical Synthetic Fantasia’ is their highpoint so far, a wicked mix of hard paced psychedelic funk and disco – if you don’t want to dance like a space robot, DO NOT listen to this album.

Psychemagik are playing London, Manchester and Brighton at the beginning of October.

Conal Dougan